Saturday, January 1, 2011

Little miss independence..

Tonight as I checked on Leta to make sure she was still in bed (this is the first night without the side rail) and went to start a load of her "accident" clothes (this is her worst day yet with a total of three accidents) it hit me like it does on occasion just how grown up my little peanut is getting!
It is fun to start getting a clearer picture of what's really going through that little head of hers and let me tell you she is as quick as a whip :) a few days before Christmas there was a knock on our door and I turned to Leta and said "I wonder who could be at our door?!" which she ponders for a bit before throwing back "SANTA, for Leta !" or better yet when I had Jayme take a turn pottying her the other day he reminded her if she went potty she would earn a few more pennies for her duck bank. So off she went with him and as soon as she was seated and taking care of business she slyly looks at him and says "Quarter?" Yep she has manipulation down to an art!
Though it does have a its advantages being able to now reason with my child, at a New Years Eve party yesterday a little girl wanted to check out Leta's prized Jessie doll which resulted in a mini meltdown from her so I told her " If you can't share then put them back in your bag." and sure enough she did just that, safe and sound :)
She is now actually fairly helpful when it comes to helping with chores and knows to put her dirty laundry in her basket when she shucks them for bed, that dishes go in the sink when she is done and garbage belongs well in the garbage :) She even lets the dogs in and out for there potty breaks. Although we don't always agree when they need to come in :)
Well I suppose I better go and get some sleep my BIG girl is getting her BIG girl molars leaving us all a little restless at night. So goodnight fellow bloggers...


  1. That is funny. Hannah is getting to be just as good.

  2. Wow! She uses a laundry basket?! My nine-year-old doesn't know how to use one yet. She is so big and I wish she would tell Adam about how wonderful the potty is.
