Sunday, July 11, 2010

The full Story...


I warn you now this and the following posts are not for quick reading so clear your day sit back and enjoy reading the adventures of our first major family vacation. We had a few points of interest we wanted to see, but no clear schedule or agenda. Just pack the van and drive! And being the penny pincher's we are we spent the majority of the trip camping in the van and eating cheap foods we could store in the cooler. It was a blast, even though the thrill of camping out and not having regular showers quickly kicked in it was full of memories and stories to last a lifetime. Here's the whole story....

We where late getting off, no surprise there and in the hurry to get off we didn't think and gave Leta a chocolate milk, BIG mistake. You see she has a thing against milk and roads where she ends up spewing chunks. So we made it to the scenic overlook on highway 14 and had to pull over for major cleanup! I cleaned the car (it mostly stayed on her at least) while Jayme gave Leta a spit bath. Once that drama was over we got going and made our first stop at a little rock shop in Orderville which had a flinstone car out front we let Leta play in. And then it was on to Kanab. We went when we where dating and I have wanted to take Leta. They have Denny's Wigwom and a movie set museum both are free and have fun props to look at and play on. We have a picture of Jayme and I on the same chair in our dating years! At the museum she was worried about the little wooden cowboy statue but loved the creepy mannequins in the jail cell. More than once she snuck away from us to go back to him.
After this little we made it to Az. to sleep for the night...

1 comment:

  1. Camping in the van rocks. Dave and I have done it a few times.
    We have an old ice cream bucket we keep in the car and a bag of grocery bags (they also sell barf bags at the store).....Kayla has used that plenty on the winding roads we get on. It has been a lifesaver.
