Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sick Little Girl :(

Poor Leta has her first official sickness! Besides the run of the mill colds and flu...not bad we made it two years :)
What we first thought where her two year molars coming in turned into more so we went to the Dr.s to confirm what I thought it could be and I was right. Hand, foot and mouth disease, nothing major and nothing can be done, but medicine to help with the discomfort.
So where just chillen and get plenty of Monster Inc. in (her new love in life) and trying to get some rest. Hard to do when she is so uncomfortable :( But hopefully with Tylenol and Ibuprofen and "magic" mouthwash she will be more comfortable. So here's an apology to anyway we may have accidentally infected before we knew what was up!

*this is an old picture I picture I found that made me laugh

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